
Hershenson Rosenberg-Wohl, A Professional Corporation

3080 Washington Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 


Joseph B. Hershenson (B.A., Harvard, 1983; J.D., Stanford Law, 1989)

David M. Rosenberg-Wohl (B.A., Harvard, 1983; J.D., Harvard Law, 1986; Ph.D., Cal-Berkeley, 2014)



We are counselors and advocates. Our practice is focused upon representing physicians and other professionals.

Together, the attorneys of HRW bring nearly fifty years of experience and judgment to help business people navigate the challenges and opportunities of disputes in today’s legal environment. We seek to earn your trust.

David has long represented a wide range of professionals in their contractual and business dealings, ranging from employment matters to partnership structure. He has served as outside counsel for the Kaiser Permanente companies, including their hospitals, health plans and physicians. His practice has involved a wide range of business, strategic and litigation advice in all aspects of employment, contracts, fiduciary duty and unfair competition.

Joseph has structured, negotiated, and achieved transactions that are both sensitive and difficult. He is a transactional lawyer who has provided advice regarding mergers and acquisitions and financing transactions aggregating over $11 billion. He has extensive experience with corporate governance and regulatory compliance. He has worked with public and private companies, executives, and investors in a variety of industries, including technology and life sciences. Joseph has several decades of experience conducting negotiations and a deep familiarity with how deals need to be structured and managed so they can be brought to a successful conclusion.



We provide evaluation and advice, negotiation and advocacy for all aspects of your business and the disputes that inevitably arise.